ANTHRAX: Spreading The Disease

Album Dive

Anthrax Spreading The Disease.PNG

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As you will recall, we wrapped up 2020 with a trip back to 1985. Of the MANY masterpieces that were released that year, Anthrax’s SPREADING THE DISEASE (or “S.T.D.” for short. Don’t deny the power of acronyms. L.O.L!) had a markedly different sound than the other 75% (that’s 3…) of the Big 4; full of hooky, memorable melodies and a gracious super-sized order of Crunchy Ball Riffs that far exceeds the “normal” Recommended Daily Allowance of Crunchy Ball Riffs that are ESSENTIAL for optimal Thrash Metal enjoyment and overall well-being.

Released: October 30th, 1985

Recorded: 1985 at Pyramid Sound Studios, Ithaca, NY (tangentional shoutout to Alex Perialas)

Released through Megaforce / Island Records

Spreading The Disease

A.I.R. :  Read those lyrics!!!  You know how there’s always a hidden message in art and when the time is right, you will be able to interpret the message and appreciate it more?  Yeah, well this is one of those.  ***If you KNOW what your mission is, DO IT!***

You get the feeling when it starts that your seatbelts had better be fastened before takeoff.  Because once Charlie comes in on the drums, you’re off to the races!


LONE JUSTICE:  Frank Bello’s bass has that Geezer Butler on steroids sound.  Not quite as aggro sounding as Lilker’s tone, but it was still in your face.  This song makes me think of Clint Eastwood’s character in pretty much every Western he was in.  And by “pretty much every Western he was in” I’m referring only to the Clint Eastwood movies I’ve actually seen.  In this case, I’ll go with Pale Rider. 


MADHOUSE:  That laugh….and then that SOUND!  That GLORIOUS fucking sound!!  If someone wants to know what “thrash” sounds like, just play this!  That sound is like the essence of thrash; captured in crunchy ball riff goodness.


S.S.C./STAND OR FALL:  What a killer way to intro a song:  a cool acoustic interludey thingy, and then a guitar solo and then MORE CRUNCHY BALL RIFFS (which in this case is really also extended to BOLTH the bass and drums as well).  I always liked that melodic, Anthrax major climb in the chorus.  And the backing vocals on this album are fucking rad ass swell.


THE ENEMY:  Anthrax historically has always been seen (by me anyway) as the “happiest” (or perhaps most positive) band in The Big Four of Thrash (which I feel is bolth reasonable and accurate as fuck).  They seemed to always maintain a positive vibe, even when playing super heavy (crunchy ball) riffs and covering super dark lyrical subject matter.  That Anthrax is a BLESSIN’! 


AFTERSHOCK:  Now THAT is a KILLER fucking way to open side 2!!!  I feel like the backup vocals on this album are some of the best “gang vocals” (#akkadakka) in Thrash.  Back to the apocalypse…HEY!  Something about Danny Spitz’ soloing just “fits” with Scott’s riffs.  It is a thing of beauty; perhaps we shall call it:  rifftastical coalescence.



I always thought this was one of the most unique acoustic intros in thrash, and also one of the most beautifully crafted. One of the coolest things about thrash is how many of the elements of progressive rock from the late 70’s and early 80’s fit nicely in with the heaviness and the aggression of the ‘Thrax.  Anthrax always had a lot of melody, in all things (that’s right, even the drums.  Smartass).  



I always LOVED this song!!!  (And the gang vocals).  Flange was always a fun effect to use on vocals to give the impression of snakes.  If you don’t know, Medusa is the name of a mythical feature who will turn you into stone with a look because she has a “flangey” hair-style (that means it’s made of snakes.  Try and keep up…)



Fuck YES!!!!!  One of my favorite things about thrash, especially Anthrax, was that there was ALWAYS a fucking KILLER closing song that pulled out all the stops.  THIS is one of those songs!!!  And on THIS album, it IS THIS PARTICULAR SONG!!  This will be the tune I want to listen to while I’m hauling ass on the autobahn in a luxury sports car!!  Even the ENDING is super awesome!!  It’s the most heavy, hilarious, patriotic sounding thing ever.   NOT!!!  Hahahahahaha…

Go ahead and put your “Out of Office” notification on (because nobody else is really working anyway), roll another bowl of your favorite relaxerole (because…do we really have to tell you!? NOT! C’mon man…) and JOIN US as we dive into Anthrax’s “S.T.D.”; an album that has proven to be essential listening for anyone and everyone wanting to understand how important this album and Anthrax as a band were to the developing sound of what we NOW refer to as the Original Wave of Old School Thrash Metal (OWOOSTM).  


Show Notes:

00.00 – Altered relaxer regimen for 2021 and a promotional message to “BUY OUR SHIT!” from our local Scotsman (which you can do at / Butts & Loins or Poppin Chubbies? Or #bolth?  Russell talks about his meat prowess (which on some primal level, is tangentionally tangentional to metal… a #shotofbacon sounds delicious…Pre-Front-Load-BBQ party…#poppinchubbies #idigest


06.50 – Revisiting the year of our Riff Lord 1985 to dive into the Sophomore SLAM that was Anthrax’s Spreading the Disease (S.T.D. hahaha how ironically fitting #blistertacular) / The power, melody and clarity of an 80’s pop singer singing over thrash:  HAIL to Joey Belladonna #reoanthraxwagon / Fistful of WHAT!?  Reinventing the WHAT!? 


12.21 – Released Halloween Eve, 1985 (shout out to Alex Paralysis, or Perialas) / Released through Megaforce Records (HAIL! R.I.P. and Cheers to Marsha Zazula and alsoTHANK YOU!!!) / The reason for shaving during COVID / The Tracks:  A.I.R. #rightthere and our various experiences regarding Anthrax and their place in thrash relative to the other ¾ of The Big 4 / “Coming to the MAIN Stage…” #kissreference / #latebloomer with regard to enjoying concert #relaxers / The “Big 3” show with Anthrax, Megadeth, and Slayer in 2010 / “Not to bring it back to me but…” / Keep an eye out for our future “Influencers” episode.


25.50 – Lone Justice (Frank Bello’s bass sound is still punchy and aggro but not Dan Lilker aggro) / Killer gang/backup vocals and Anthrax’s “Escape” #LOUDER / Madhouse (now with even MORE #crunchyballriffs ) / The accessibility of Joey’s singing style:  #reospeedthrax 


31.00 - S.S.C./Stand or Fall (#hooky #hashbongs) and the power of #motormaiden / The “sound” of Spreading the Disease and S.O.D. Speak English or Die / Lars sends his love and urges you to BUY OUR SHIT!!! / The Enemy / Aftershock (The Monkey) / Armed & Dangerous (complete with patented acoustic-clean intro that was basically a requirement on ALL thrash albums back in the day / What’s a Harp Sea Cord? #ilovecaprisuns #slowdance #softintro / Channeling burp demons and loud ass plastic water bottles (thanks Steve!) #metalnerderyASMR

43.17 – Medusa (Thanks Russell for now making everyone think of Loverboy whenever they hear Medusa…now everybody’s working for the weekend! #footloose #snakeface / Time to Rally…GUNG-HO! (check out the ending, it’s very #1776 and very #REVOLUTIONARY sounding) #cantbefastenough #fastaf #FaF #thatendingtho #NOT / a final word from the dumb nameless Frenchman and THANK YOU FOR CONTINUING TO LISTEN, SUPPORT AND SPREAD THE WORDERY ABOUT METAL NERDERY!!  (and Goodnight!)